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마스터 강사 미미 유와 함께 클래식 필라톴스 매트 수업을 한층 더 발전시킬 수 있는 새롭고 훔과적인 방법들을 탕구해보세요. 이 워크생은 헭드레드부터 퓨시업까지 중급 레벨 매트 운동들을 치의적이고 역동적인 변형 동작들과 함께 기이 있게 다룹니다. 모든 레벨에 적용 가능한 다양한 변형 동작들로 고객들에게 새로운 도전을 제시하고 매트 수업에 효력을 불어넷어보세요

Pilates :: Power Pilates
Instructor: Mimi Lyou
Leaders CEU's: 1.50
Continuing Education Credits:
Leaders in Fitness - 1.50 | Power Pilates - 1.50

Pilates for Common Back Issues

This workshop delves into common back issues, including herniated/bulging discs, scoliosis, and even undiagnosed pain. We'll discuss these conditions to help you understand what's happening in the body and equip you with effective Pilates exercises specifically designed to safely strengthen the Powerhouse. Learn which exercises to avoid to prevent further discomfort, alleviate pain and improve overall function for your clients.

Pilates :: Power Pilates
Instructor: Amie Cunha
Leaders CEU's: 2.00
Continuing Education Credits:
Leaders in Fitness - 2.00 | Power Pilates - 2.00

Anatomy for Pilates Professionals 101

A basic understanding of anatomy is vital for all Pilates professionals. In this workshop, you will be introduced to the planes of movement with a practical application to Pilates exercises. With an overview of the bones and muscles, establish how these interconnected systems work together to facilitate movement in the human body. Learn how to identify bony landmarks on your clients and gain an understanding of the term Power House.

Pilates :: Power Pilates
Instructor: Anne Marie Schultz
Leaders CEU's: 2.00
Continuing Education Credits:
Leaders in Fitness - 2.00 | Power Pilates - 2.00

Intermediate/Advanced Reformer Class Progressions Exercise Sequence

Prepare to teach strong intermediate level Reformer classes with this challenging order of Classical exercises. Keep your Reformer classes flowing as you progress clients with the introduction of advanced level exercises.

Pilates :: Power Pilates
Instructor: Meaghan Maxwell
Leaders CEU's: 1.00
Continuing Education Credits:
Leaders in Fitness - 1.00 | Power Pilates - 1.00

Intermediate Reformer Class Progressions Exercise Sequence

This Reformer class exercise order is the ideal sequence of exercises for clients who are ready to progress from intermediate to advanced level Reformer work. Learn where to introduce more advanced level exercises in a class setting while encouraging your clients with more complex cueing.

Pilates :: Power Pilates
Instructor: Meaghan Maxwell
Leaders CEU's: 0.75
Continuing Education Credits:
Leaders in Fitness - 0.75 | Power Pilates - 0.75

Open-Level Reformer Class Exercise Sequence

This open-level reformer workout sequence is specially designed for mixed-level, beginner to intermediate, Reformer classes. Challenge your intermediate clients and inspire your beginners all in one workout.

Pilates :: Power Pilates
Instructor: Amie Cunha
Leaders CEU's: 0.75
Continuing Education Credits:
Leaders in Fitness - 0.75 | Power Pilates - 0.75

Beginner Reformer Class Exercise Sequence

Ready to progress and challenge your beginner level Reformer class? This Reformer level 1 class exercise sequence is specifically designed for advancing beginner to beginner plus clients with the introduction of intermediate exercises at just the right time.

Pilates :: Power Pilates
Instructor: Meaghan Maxwell
Leaders CEU's: 1.00
Continuing Education Credits:
Leaders in Fitness - 1.00 | Power Pilates - 1.00

Introduction to Reformer Class Exercise Sequence

The perfect combination of Classical beginner Mat and Reformer exercises, this sequence was developed for teaching first-time and beginner level classes. Learn where to introduce new exercises on the Reformer after challenging your clients on the Mat.

Pilates :: Power Pilates
Instructor: Cheryl Turnquist
Leaders CEU's: 0.50
Continuing Education Credits:
Leaders in Fitness - 0.50 | Power Pilates - 0.50

Behavior Coaching for Fitness Professionals

How to help your clients achieve their fitness goals through psychology and behavior coaching. In this workshop, learn the principles of how to go above and beyond exercises and nutrition tips to help clients reach their personal wellness goals. Retain more clients and increase your revenue by adding behavior coaching to your menu of services.

Fitness :: Healthy Behavior Institute
Instructor: Dr. Janine Stichter, Ph. D. and Scott Schutte
Leaders CEU's: 2.00
Continuing Education Credits:
Leaders in Fitness - 2.00 | Power Pilates - 1.00

Bender Ball Pilates

This course is specifically designed to utilize small equipment to safely simulate Pilates apparatus for all levels of students. These Pilates exercises are functionally designed to lengthen and strengthen the body vertically rather than supine which translates to all other activities. You will walk away with all the strategies and techniques to incorporate the program into any class either virtually or in person. Experience and learn how misalignment can cause injuries and dysfunctions and how to correct them. Understand how many classical exercises do not translate to today's society and how to tweak them for a functional approach. Learn how to coach, cue and connect to the purpose of each and exercise where science meets function.

Pilates :: Bender Training
Instructor: Leslee Bender
Leaders CEU's: 1.50
Continuing Education Credits:
Leaders in Fitness - 1.50 | Power Pilates - 0.75

Core Training for Women

A comprehensive review of the deep inner unit and superficial core provide background for the female core. Through hands-on practical application, trainers will learn a series of specific techniques to strengthen the female core, and lengthen key areas of the body that disrupt the stability/mobility relationships for the body. Utilizing Gliding Discs and the Bender Ball.

Fitness :: Keli Roberts Fitness
Instructor: Keli Roberts
Leaders CEU's: 1.00
Continuing Education Credits:
Leaders in Fitness - 1.00 | Power Pilates - 0.50

Diastasis Recti Repair

Diastisis Recti is a common condition post pregnancy and if it is not assessed early the woman will always have a "mummy tummy" or protruding abdominal wall. Many traditional ab exercises can increase a diastisis so it is imperative that Pilates instructors know why to modify for this condition. Diastasis recti, also known as abdominal separation, is when the right and left sides of the rectus abdominals separate along the linea alba. The abdominals are held together by a thin connective tissue and when your abs stretch during pregnancy they can potentially split. It happens most frequently with multiple gestation, multiple pregnancies, pregnancies that are close together, big babies, women who have very tight abs prior to pregnancy (a six pack) but also women who have very weak abs. The risk of having a diastasis is that it may result in a hernia. Umbilical hernias, a mass/lump directly over the navel, are the most common however a hernia can happen anywhere along the linea alba.

Pilates :: Positively Pilates
Instructor: Carrie Campbell
Leaders CEU's: 1.50
Continuing Education Credits:
Leaders in Fitness - 1.50 | Power Pilates - 0.75

Teaching Tools for an Open Mat Class - 2nd Edition

It's not always easy to teach to an Open Level Mat class where there are many different bodies walking in to take your class. Learn strategies, modifications and teaching tools to make your class not only challenging for many, but safe for all. We'll go through a typical Intermediate level class addressing each exercise and how to begin safely - considering not only ability, but chronic issues, then working toward the ideal Intermediate level of the exercise.

Pilates :: Power Pilates
Instructor: Bethanie Buckingham
Leaders CEU's: 1.00
Continuing Education Credits:
Leaders in Fitness - 1.00 | Power Pilates - 1.00

Special Cases Reformer

This workshop will offer lots of suggestions for clients that need modifications whether in private or small group reformer sessions. We will review the Intermediate as well as some advanced exercises and see what we can do with a variety of body needs. From head to toe we have got you covered!

Pilates :: Power Pilates
Instructor: Cheryl Turnquist
Leaders CEU's: 1.25
Continuing Education Credits:
Leaders in Fitness - 1.25 | Power Pilates - 1.25

Teaching Virtual Mat Using Household Props Part 2

Further explore adding props to your virtual mat classes. Grab a book, a large towel, and a broomstick and get ready to add even more options to your private or group class! Learn how to better build a fun and flowing session for your clients while still utilizing the classical method.

Pilates :: Power Pilates
Instructor: Meaghan Maxwell
Leaders CEU's: 1.00
Continuing Education Credits:
Leaders in Fitness - 1.00 | Power Pilates - 1.00

Teaching Virtual Mat Using Household Props Part 1

Keep your virtual mat classes interesting with props that your clients already have in their homes. Grab your small hand towel, canned goods, and small pillow as we explore ways to spice up your virtual mat classes! Learn how to recreate the experience of the props you would commonly find in studio, using them to offer modifications and challenges to your clients, all while staying within the classical system.

Pilates :: Power Pilates
Instructor: Meaghan Maxwell
Leaders CEU's: 1.00
Continuing Education Credits:
Leaders in Fitness - 1.00 | Power Pilates - 1.00

Intermediate Mat with Suspension Trainer

In this workshop you will learn how to setup and use the Suspension Straps as a prop to challenge, modify, or provide variations for Intermediate mat exercises. You will also learn some foundational suspension strap exercises that facilitate the use of the powerhouse.

Pilates :: Power Pilates
Instructor: Amie Cunha
Leaders CEU's: 1.00
Continuing Education Credits:
Leaders in Fitness - 1.00 | Power Pilates - 1.00

Intermediate Mat Progressions

How do you know when it is time to progress your clients and classes from beginner mat to intermediate mat work? What do you look for and what do you add in first? These questions and more will be answered as we look at the progressions within the exercise from one level to the next!

Pilates :: Power Pilates
Instructor: Cheryl Turnquist
Leaders CEU's: 1.00
Continuing Education Credits:
Leaders in Fitness - 1.00 | Power Pilates - 1.00

Beginner Mat Progressions

This workshop dives into understanding the difference between a beginner first-time client who is just getting started versus a stronger beginner who knows the order. You will also explore some modifications & variations to help clients progress along the way into the intermediate mat system. This workshop will be helpful for those teaching mat as well as apparatus sessions.

Pilates :: Power Pilates
Instructor: Jordana Herman
Leaders CEU's: 1.25
Continuing Education Credits:
Leaders in Fitness - 1.25 | Power Pilates - 1.25

Mat Modifications

How do we know when to modify an exercise? When the purpose of the exercise is not being achieved, how can we as instructors, use our Present Time Consciousness to make decisions about what version of the exercise is best for the client? In this workshop, we will review modifications at the beginner level as well as some extra creative modifications for your beginner mat classes!

Pilates :: Power Pilates
Instructor: Stephanie West
Leaders CEU's: 1.00
Continuing Education Credits:
Leaders in Fitness - 1.00 | Power Pilates - 1.00

Mat Variations

If you are looking to spice up your open level mat class, this is the course for you! Learn to use various props or exercise combinations to change the way you might typically teach an exercise. Modifications and Variations will be shown using props including light weights, magic circles, small balls, and weighted poles.

Pilates :: Power Pilates
Instructor: Cheryl Turnquist
Leaders CEU's: 1.00
Continuing Education Credits:
Leaders in Fitness - 1.00 | Power Pilates - 1.00

Beginner Tower Review

The Beginner Tower Review workshop will give you all the tools you need to create a solid 55 minute Tower class for your students of all levels. We will review Beginner mat, all of the pieces of apparatus on the Tower and how to take your clients from horizontal to vertical using the Power Pilates Beginner System.

Pilates :: Power Pilates
Instructor: Cheryl Turnquist
Leaders CEU's: 1.25
Continuing Education Credits:
Leaders in Fitness - 1.25 | Power Pilates - 1.25

Assessing Progressions

This workshop will teach you to critically think about why and how to progress a client through a certain exercise pattern. You will begin to recognize 'families' of exercises and learn what to look for before moving a client to a more challenging progression. Sometimes a challenge is on a different piece of apparatus and sometimes it is just about the movement itself. We will teach you to look at the body in front of you to decide where to go next!

Pilates :: Power Pilates
Instructor: Cheryl Turnquist
Leaders CEU's: 1.00
Continuing Education Credits:
Leaders in Fitness - 1.00 | Power Pilates - 1.00

Arm/Baby Chair Basics

The Arm/Baby Chair Basics workshop will give you an understanding of how to set up, execute and progress yourself and clients on this small and mighty piece of apparatus. The Baby Chair is incredibly robust with what it offers, and you will love what you learn and feel!

Pilates :: Power Pilates
Instructor: Julie Hegge Cordier
Leaders CEU's: 1.00
Continuing Education Credits:
Leaders in Fitness - 1.00 | Power Pilates - 1.00

Real World Training Strategies

In this workshop, Stephanie West covers strategies that can be used in the real world when circumstances aren't "ideal." Whether your goal is to improve your multitasking skills, bring more traffic to your studio, accommodate more levels of students, or to make sure your students utilize more apparatus, Real World Strategies will help you get there!

Pilates :: Power Pilates
Instructor: Stephanie West
Leaders CEU's: 2.00
Continuing Education Credits:
Leaders in Fitness - 2.00 | Power Pilates - 2.00

How to Teach an Open Level Reformer Class

In How to Teach an Open Level Reformer Class, Stephanie West discusses and demonstrates strategies to keep the class flowing at the appropriate level including variations and modifications. The strategies are then put together in a 45-minute example class!

Pilates :: Power Pilates
Instructor: Stephanie West
Leaders CEU's: 1.75
Continuing Education Credits:
Leaders in Fitness - 1.75 | Power Pilates - 1.75

Pilates for Athletes

This workshop will look at how to integrate specific Pilates exercise - using the Reformer, Spine Corrector, Wunda Chair, and some small apparatus - to benefit athletes. We will address preventing common injuries (and what those injuries are), important muscle groups, and Pilates benefits for specific athletes and sports.

Pilates :: Power Pilates
Instructor: Bethanie Buckingham
Leaders CEU's: 2.25
Continuing Education Credits:
Leaders in Fitness - 2.25 | Power Pilates - 2.25

Pilates 101

Get those brand new clients off the ground and running! This pre-recorded live mentorship workshop talks about many topics pertaining to those new clients. Those "how to handle" moments ranging from a newcomer that says they have prior experience, an open level mat class with a brand new person with some physical issues, benefits to a Beginner Mat versus an Open Mat and many more.

Pilates :: Power Pilates
Instructor: Cheryl Turnquist
Leaders CEU's: 2.00
Continuing Education Credits:
Leaders in Fitness - 2.00 | Power Pilates - 2.00

From Periphery to Powerhouse

This pre-recorded live mentorship workshop talks about the refinement of how to work into the Powerhouse from the extremities and focus on all Powerhouse cues.

Pilates :: Power Pilates
Instructor: Julie Hegge Cordier
Leaders CEU's: 2.00
Continuing Education Credits:
Leaders in Fitness - 2.00 | Power Pilates - 2.00

Dig Deep on the Mat

This pre-recorded live mentorship workshop dives head first into your mat training. Come learn how to get creative with your teaching but maintain your classical roots. Figure out the differences between a modification versus a variation. Explore ways to challenge multiple levels simultaneously as well as handling those weaker individuals in your class. Come Dig Deep and find the answers to many more aspects of your mat education.

Pilates :: Power Pilates
Instructor: Stephanie West
Leaders CEU's: 2.00
Continuing Education Credits:
Leaders in Fitness - 2.00 | Power Pilates - 2.00

Beyond Basics of Anatomy

In this workshop we will go beyond just learning terminology. We will drive into neutral pelvis and neutral spine. We will spend time not only defining both but also learning how to use this ideal placement with our clients. How do we cue it and how do we know they "got it." We will also explore common misconceptions clients have about properly using their abdominals and buttocks. All of these concepts build a more complete understanding of the set of correct actions that make up "moving from your powerhouse."

Anatomy :: Power Pilates
Instructor: Julie Hegge Cordier
Leaders CEU's: 2.00
Continuing Education Credits:
Leaders in Fitness - 2.00 | Power Pilates - 2.00

Art of Touch and Spotting

This workshop will focus on the Power Pilates Teaching Components of Touch and Spotting. Types of touch, how, and where to touch, will be discussed and demonstrated on a variety of apparatus from the Beginner to Advanced level. We will also review what Spotting entails and how best to spot your clients during their sessions. We guarantee you will leave wanting to apply more touch and spotting to your classes and sessions!

Pilates :: Power Pilates
Instructor: Cheryl Turnquist
Leaders CEU's: 1.50
Continuing Education Credits:
Leaders in Fitness - 1.50 | Power Pilates - 1.50

Beyond Mat Class: Intro To Apparatus

If you are certified in mat only and would like to understand the benefits of the apparatus or if you are a studio owner who is trying to get mat students into the apparatus room, this is the workshop for you! During this workshop you will learn about each of Joe's inventions, why and when they were created and what the purpose of each one is. You will see how the use of springs helps the student become stronger and put the spring in their powerhouse enabling them to perform a better mat.

Pilates :: Power Pilates
Instructor: Lesly Levy
Leaders CEU's: 1.50
Continuing Education Credits:
Leaders in Fitness - 1.50 | Power Pilates - 1.50

Strategies for the Plus Sized Clientele

This workshop will show you how to assess the plus-sized client, explain the side effects of obesity and how to safely introduce Pilates to an overweight/obese person. We will demonstrate how to build up the basic exercises on Mat, Reformer, Cadillac and Chair, with the goal to get this population moving and to get them back into their bodies.

Pilates :: Power Pilates
Instructor: Marcia Hagemann
Leaders CEU's: 1.50
Continuing Education Credits:
Leaders in Fitness - 1.50 | Power Pilates - 1.50

Get Back! Your Secondary Powerhouse Connection

This workshop will help clarify your understanding of the components and movements of the Secondary Powerhouse. You will leave with a good working knowledge and understanding of the exercises and ways you can help your clients strengthen, stabilize, and healthfully work with this part of their body. We will be starting with an in-depth anatomical look at this very cool part of our body, and then move to actually working with the Pilates equipment and exercises that can help our clients stretch, strengthen, and stabilize in this area.

Pilates :: Contemporary Pilates Series
Instructor: Anne Marie Schultz
Leaders CEU's: 1.25
Continuing Education Credits:
Leaders in Fitness - 1.25 | Power Pilates - 1.25

Beginner Reformer Review

The Beginner System is the cornerstone of classical Pilates. Every student of the method, regardless of previous fitness experience, will start with the Beginner System. Beginner Reformer Review is broken down into two parts. The first part is a review of the exercises in Beginner Reformer and the second part will be a fluid Beginner Reformer workout. Use the first section to review technique as well as queuing and the second section to experience the flow of a workout taught by using the Beginner System formula.

Pilates :: Power Pilates
Instructor: Patty Geiger
Leaders CEU's: 1.00
Continuing Education Credits:
Leaders in Fitness - 1.00 | Power Pilates - 1.00

Mary Bowen presents Archival Footage of Joseph Pilates

Exclusive footage from Mary Bowen's Historical Pilates collection of Joe, Clara, friends and clients from their own personal films taken during the years 1932-1945 of Joe from 49-65, in his prime

Pilates :: Power Pilates
Instructor: Joseph Pilates
Leaders CEU's: 1.00
Continuing Education Credits:
Leaders in Fitness - 1.00 | Power Pilates - 1.00

Wunda and High Chair Review

The chair is one of the most challenging pieces of equipment as it has a smaller base of support which is conducive to learning balance and control. The exercises reviewed here are great tools to helping clients progress by addressing their individual needs.

Pilates :: Power Pilates
Instructor: Rebecca Sirkel
Leaders CEU's: 1.00
Continuing Education Credits:
Leaders in Fitness - 1.00 | Power Pilates - 1.00

How to Teach Your Mat Class with Props

This workshop will teach you how to utilize the magic circle, weights and large physio-ball for an open level mat class. The exercises remain the same and the props will not only challenge clients but be a great teaching tool with an additional focus on Secondary Powerhouse. Get ready to have fun on the mat.

Pilates :: Contemporary Pilates Series
Instructor: Stormi Truesdell
Leaders CEU's: 1.25
Continuing Education Credits:
Leaders in Fitness - 1.25 | Power Pilates - 1.25

Basics of Anatomy 2017 Edition

This is a study of basic anatomical language, which contains an introduction to planes of movement and major concepts of the skeletal and muscular systems. This interactive course allows the participant to locate muscles and bones, be able to palpate them on their clients, and become familiar with the associated actions. Similar to an in-person workshop, the concepts are demonstrated as they are introduced, since reinforcement and repetition are key to learning anatomy basics! The course includes an outline, literature, and clearly labeled anatomical charts.

Anatomy :: Power Pilates
Instructor: Stephanie West
Leaders CEU's: 4.00
Continuing Education Credits:
Leaders in Fitness - 4.00 | Pilates Method Alliance - 5.00 | Power Pilates - 4.00

Barrel Progressions

Joseph Pilates created a beautiful piece of equipment that is often overlooked: the Barrel. In this workshop we talk of the progression of barrel depth using small barrel, spine corrector and ladder barrel; level progression from beginner through advanced exercises; and horizontal to vertical progression. Let's learn more about how the barrels open the hips and shoulder girdle and let out clients experience the wonderful work on the barrel!

Pilates :: Power Pilates
Instructor: Cheryl Turnquist
Leaders CEU's: 1.00
Continuing Education Credits:
Leaders in Fitness - 1.00 | Power Pilates - 1.00

Intermediate Tower System

Power up your Intermediate level Tower class with a workout in 3 parts. We will incorporate repertoire from mat, tower and traditional endings. This class will follow the Intermediate system formula and work the progression from horizontal to vertical. Your clients will use all components of the tower apparatus for a fun and challenging workout!

Pilates :: Power Pilates
Instructor: Cheryl Turnquist
Leaders CEU's: 1.75
Continuing Education Credits:
Leaders in Fitness - 1.75 | Power Pilates - 1.75


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Pilates :: Power Pilates
Instructor: Stephanie West
Leaders CEU's: 4.50
Continuing Education Credits:
Leaders in Fitness - 4.50 | Power Pilates - 4.50

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Pilates :: Power Pilates
Instructor: Stephanie West
Leaders CEU's: 1.50
Continuing Education Credits:
Leaders in Fitness - 1.50 | Power Pilates - 1.50

Tower Progressions

This workshop guides you in growing your clients safely and effectively from beginner to advanced with the Pilates Tower unit. The workshop reviews technique and teaching formulas, demonstrates progression of exercises and concludes with a full Tower class delivered to an intermediate/advanced level. This class example ties everything together in a practical application of the workshop material.

Pilates :: Power Pilates
Instructor: Lisa Hunsaker
Leaders CEU's: 2.00
Continuing Education Credits:
Leaders in Fitness - 2.00 | Pilates Method Alliance - 3.00 | Power Pilates - 2.00

Foam Roller 101

A great way to challenge your clients (especially the more intermediate and advanced clients) the unstable surface of the roller makes even the most basic Pilates exercise challenging, calling upon the deep core muscles to stabilize the body on the moving surface of the roller. Additionally, the roller can help in learning balance, improving posture, building strength, and relieving tension.

Pilates :: Contemporary Pilates Series
Instructor: Anne Marie Schultz
Leaders CEU's: 1.00
Continuing Education Credits:
Leaders in Fitness - 1.00 | Power Pilates - 1.00

Jumpboard Review

This workshop demonstrates how to incorporate the Jumpboard into your client's private and semi-private sessions. Learn the best clients to target, apparatus setup and exercises for both dancers and non-dancers alike on this fun and challenging apparatus. Let's jump to it!

Pilates :: Power Pilates
Instructor: Lisa Hunsaker
Leaders CEU's: 1.00
Continuing Education Credits:
Leaders in Fitness - 1.00 | Power Pilates - 1.00

Extras and Often Overlooked

Joseph Pilates created his equipment in an attempt to help open, align and challenge the body. As familiar as we are are with the mat, Reformer and Cadillac; we often under utilize or even forget about his smaller creations. During this workshop you will learn how to use the Foot Corrector, Toe Corrector, Magic Square, Bean Bag, Breath-a-Cizer, Pedi-Pole as well as the Jumpboard created by NASA.

Pilates :: Power Pilates
Instructor: Julie Hegge Cordier
Leaders CEU's: 1.50
Continuing Education Credits:
Leaders in Fitness - 1.50 | Pilates Method Alliance - 2.00 | Power Pilates - 1.50

Magic Circle Madness

This workshop will focus on Joseph Pilates' Magic Circle and how to incorporate it into his traditional mat workouts at every level. There will be a review of technique and teaching formulas which will provide an excellent workout. Learn new ways of utilizing the Magic Circle while increasing efficient, flowing movement.

Pilates :: Power Pilates
Instructor: Julie Hegge Cordier
Leaders CEU's: 1.00
Continuing Education Credits:
Leaders in Fitness - 1.00 | Power Pilates - 1.00 | Vbarre - 0.50

Intermediate Cadillac Flow

Learn how to custom design a challenging and enjoyable Cadillac routine incorporating key elements and principles of a Power Pilates session.

Pilates :: Power Pilates
Instructor: Julie Hegge Cordier
Leaders CEU's: 1.25
Continuing Education Credits:
Leaders in Fitness - 1.25 | Power Pilates - 1.25

Spine Corrector Challenge

The Spine Corrector is that often-forgotten and hardly-ever-used piece of apparatus that spends most of its days sitting on the floor under the Cadillac. This mat-based workout takes the classical Spine Corrector exercises you know and love, and adds more creative exercises borrowing from the Reformer.

Pilates :: Power Pilates
Instructor: Bonnie Grove
Leaders CEU's: 1.25
Continuing Education Credits:
Leaders in Fitness - 1.25 | Pilates Method Alliance - 2.00 | Power Pilates - 1.25

Small Barrel and Spine Corrector

Go dust off your Arc Barrel and Spine Corrector and have some fun with sequences and progressions not covered in the Power Pilates Comprehensive Certification. This workshop will give you a better understanding of how and why to use the barrels in both your own and clients sessions.

Pilates :: Power Pilates
Instructor: Aubrey Johnson
Leaders CEU's: 1.00
Continuing Education Credits:
Leaders in Fitness - 1.00 | Power Pilates - 1.00

Wunda Chair Progressions

During this workshop you will learn how to incorporate the Wunda Chair into the Part C your private and semi-private sessions, how the exercises progress, and most importantly, how to utilize the Power Pilates methodology to help your clients progress.

Pilates :: Power Pilates
Instructor: Bonnie Grove
Leaders CEU's: 1.25
Continuing Education Credits:
Leaders in Fitness - 1.25 | Power Pilates - 1.25

All Barrel Review

This workshop is designed for those that would like to refresh the exercises on the Barrels. We will review basic and advanced exercises on the Small Barrel, Spine Corrector and Ladder Barrel. Besides showing the details of the Technique, we will go over progressions, similarities, modifications and variations for each exercise. Roll out the Barrels to center stage!

Pilates :: Power Pilates
Instructor: Marcia Hagemann
Leaders CEU's: 1.50
Continuing Education Credits:
Leaders in Fitness - 1.50 | Pilates Method Alliance - 2.00 | Power Pilates - 1.50

Mat with Theraband

Learn how to incorporate this multi-faceted and useful tool, the Theraband into a mat class; for a fun and challenging workout!

Pilates :: Contemporary Pilates Series
Instructor: Marcia Hagemann
Leaders CEU's: 1.50
Continuing Education Credits:
Leaders in Fitness - 1.50 | Power Pilates - 1.50 | Vbarre - 0.75

Advanced Reformer Review with Transitions & Variations

The Reformer is the backbone of the Pilates method; it is the most widely utilized apparatus. The advanced workout is both challenging and inspiring and offers many variations of the traditional exercises that are often "left in the closet."

Pilates :: Power Pilates
Instructor: Bonnie Grove
Leaders CEU's: 1.50
Continuing Education Credits:
Leaders in Fitness - 1.50 | Power Pilates - 1.50

Advanced Mat Review

Refine your knowledge of the exercises, develop new and more efficient cues, and learn how to take your client to the next level with efficient flow and transitions from one exercise to the next.

Pilates :: Power Pilates
Instructor: Bonnie Grove
Leaders CEU's: 1.25
Continuing Education Credits:
Leaders in Fitness - 1.25 | Power Pilates - 1.25 | Vbarre - 0.60

Have a Ball With Your Mat Class

Learn how to integrate this useful prop into your mat class or create a Pilates on the Ball class. See how the use of a physio ball can literally help place the beginner/intermediate student's center of gravity in their core, while challenging the advanced student with additional resources.

Pilates :: Contemporary Pilates Series
Instructor: Bonnie Grove
Leaders CEU's: 1.25
Continuing Education Credits:
Leaders in Fitness - 1.25 | Power Pilates - 1.25 | Vbarre - 0.90

Reformer on the Mat

Create a new challenge for your more advanced classes! This workshop will review the Reformer order, exercise details and their application to the mat. No springs, no straps, just you and gravity. The breakdown of the Setup/Action/Precision of the exercises help achieve greater clarity and will add depth to the cueing.

Pilates :: Power Pilates
Instructor: Julie Hegge Cordier
Leaders CEU's: 1.75
Continuing Education Credits:
Leaders in Fitness - 1.75 | Power Pilates - 1.75 | Vbarre - 0.90

Expanding Repertoire on the Reformer

Ellie Herman will teach advanced repertoire and original exercises she developed over her 30 year Pilates career. Ellie will also review her favorite cues to help students deeply understand the initiation and muscle sequencing involved in each exercise. Ellie will also cover how spring settings affect exercises, teaching cues, alignment, anatomy and modifications.

Pilates :: Ellie Herman Pilates
Instructor: Ellie Herman
Leaders CEU's: 2.00
Continuing Education Credits:
Leaders in Fitness - 2.00 | Power Pilates - 1.00

Strengthening and Lengthening Strategies for the Psoas and Glutes

In this 2 hour video the fitness professional will discover how to identify the common signs of psoas and glute dysfunction and the corrective as well as progressive exercise patterns for improving functional stability of the hip complex.

Anatomy :: Fitness Education Seminars
Instructor: Evan Osar
Leaders CEU's: 2.50
Continuing Education Credits:
Leaders in Fitness - 2.50 | Power Pilates - 1.25

Stabilization Strategies for Solving Chronic Neck and Shoulder Tightness

During this video you will discover why so many individuals develop non-optimal neck and shoulder stabilization strategies and how this relates to the occurrence of chronic tightness and dysfunction.

Pilates :: Fitness Education Seminars
Instructor: Evan Osar
Leaders CEU's: 1.50
Continuing Education Credits:
Leaders in Fitness - 1.50 | Power Pilates - 0.75

How to Format a 1 Hour Wunda Chair Session

During this workshop you will learn the methodology behind creating a full session on the Wunda Chair. This workout is suitable for advanced clients only.

Pilates :: Power Pilates
Instructor: Bonnie Grove
Leaders CEU's: 1.50
Continuing Education Credits:
Leaders in Fitness - 1.50 | Power Pilates - 1.50

Pilates For Back Care Lecture

In this 3 hour workshop we will learn about 4 of the most common conditions- Disc Herniations, Sciatica, Spinal Stenosis, and Spondylolisthesis. We will go over what is contraindicated and what is safe for clients who have these conditions. You will learn how to progress a client with back pain and how we can help these clients move their bodies pain free both in and out of the studio.

Pilates :: Positively Pilates
Instructor: Carrie Campbell
Leaders CEU's: 3.00
Continuing Education Credits:
Leaders in Fitness - 3.00 | Power Pilates - 1.50

Vbarre Progressions

In this workshop, we will breakdown and review the Vbarre progressions that are designed within the standard format as well as explore ideas to help you create new programming for your classes.

Barre :: Vbarre®
Instructor: Veronica Combs
Leaders CEU's: 0.75
Continuing Education Credits:
Leaders in Fitness - 0.75 | Power Pilates - 0.75 | Vbarre - 0.75

Yoga for Pilates Instructors

Yoga and Pilates are very different modalities and still they share the many principles. Alignment, breath and mental focus are some of the qualities that these wonderful, healthy techniques share. This lesson includes definitions of some yoga language, specific breath and muscular explorations and a full, yoga class taught and explored through a pilates instructor's lens.

Yoga :: BodyTonic
Instructor: Jennifer DeLuca
Leaders CEU's: 1.00
Continuing Education Credits:
Leaders in Fitness - 1.00 | Power Pilates - 0.50

Feet First Strengthening from the Feet Up

This workshop is intended to bring awareness to the wheels of our bodies, our feet. Movement involves grounding down to lengthen up when our bodies are loaded on our feet. Whether it is in Pilates, golf, yoga, dance, running, walking, jumping or pushing off with our feet, we must bring awareness to the work that starts in the feet and works up the ankle and leg.

Anatomy :: Mind Your Body
Instructor: Gail Giovanniello
Leaders CEU's: 0.75
Continuing Education Credits:
Leaders in Fitness - 0.75

Fit and Functional

In this workshop we will highlight the Dynamic Movement Training Principle that is central to the Vbarre Method. Let's define the principles and exercise goals that make Vbarre not only a great workout, but also functional for the body. We will explore the total body benefits of targeting multiple muscle groups with one exercise as well as Vbarre's "functional fitness" qualities.

Barre :: Vbarre®
Instructor: Veronica Combs
Leaders CEU's: 0.50
Continuing Education Credits:
Leaders in Fitness - 0.50 | Power Pilates - 0.50 | Vbarre - 0.50

Classical Mat with a Modern Understanding

Joseph Pilates was a movement genius. His philosophies of health and exercise are captured so beautifully in "Return to Life through Contrology," which was written in 1934. Today, with our modern lifestyle, the impact of our environment on our bodies is quite different than in his time. When teaching a group Pilates Mat Class this provides teachers with a great challenge. "How can we keep it Classical while also honoring the different levels in a class, keeping it safe, and maintaining the pace that is expected of a Pilates Mat Class?" In this workshop we take time to appreciate the sheer brilliance of Joe's philosophy and exercises, discuss the negative forces on our bodies today and pull it all together to keep it current, safe and Classical.

Pilates :: BodyTonic
Instructor: Jennifer DeLuca
Leaders CEU's: 1.50
Continuing Education Credits:
Leaders in Fitness - 1.50 | Power Pilates - 1.00

Creating a Classical Session for Herniated Discs

In this video, you will learn how to apply the Classical work to a client with a disc herniation. Shot primarily around a new client with a lumbar herniated disc, many of the concepts are adaptable to disc herniations in other areas of the spine.

Pilates :: BodyTonic
Instructor: Jennifer DeLuca
Leaders CEU's: 0.75
Continuing Education Credits:
Leaders in Fitness - 0.75 | Power Pilates - 0.25

Secrets Revealed: How to Make Your Brand a Religion

A mix of multi-media presentation and interactive discussion with real-world and live examples from participants, this session will help you understand, build and execute a brand that will drive revenue and stand out from your competition. This workshop is for anyone needing to develop or implement a successful brand and business

Business :: ECA World Fitness
Instructor: Ben Bidlack
Leaders CEU's: 1.00
Continuing Education Credits:
Leaders in Fitness - 1.00 | Power Pilates - 0.50

The 2 Most Important Hormones for Weight Loss

This talk outlines how INSULIN and CORTISOL dysfunction impact your waistline, performance and overall health. You will understand how poor insulin function contributes to accelerated weight gain and how stress can sabotage your weight loss goals.

Food / Nutrition :: ECA World Fitness
Instructor: Marc Bubbs
Leaders CEU's: 1.00
Continuing Education Credits:
Leaders in Fitness - 1.00 | Power Pilates - 0.50

Corrective Exercise Strategies for Improving Thoracic Rotation

If you want to help your client improve their golf or tennis game you must improve their thoracic rotation. If you want to improve your athlete's performance whether they play baseball, lacrosse, or soccer, you must improve their ability to rotate their thorax. If you want to help clients walk, move, and live life with greater ease and less discomfort, you must improve their thoracic rotation. In this interactive session, you will discover the reason why so many individuals lose rotation and how by understanding and applying the principles of the Integrative Movement System� you can improve your client's thoracic rotation. You won't think the same about thoracic rotation after this session.

Fitness :: ECA World Fitness
Instructor: Evan Osar
Leaders CEU's: 1.00
Continuing Education Credits:
Leaders in Fitness - 1.00 | Power Pilates - 0.50

Corrective Exercises to Save Your Clients Knees

If you work with the baby boomer and senior populations you understand that knee pain is one of the most common orthopedic issues keeping individuals from walking, biking, and/or performing daily activities. The fitness professional can be instrumental in helping these individuals to discover solutions to improving their knee function while helping them progress towards achieving their goals. During this session, you will learn why your clients develop knee issues and discover a corrective exercise strategy to improve your client's stabilization and movement patterns.

Fitness :: ECA World Fitness
Instructor: Evan Osar
Leaders CEU's: 1.00
Continuing Education Credits:
Leaders in Fitness - 1.00 | Power Pilates - 0.50

Testing the Core Workshop

Often instructors/therapists struggle with their ability to assess a clients limitations, specifically the core. The core is the center of Pilates, but how do you quantify your clients stamina and overall activation of their core strength? It is the key to movement and a weak core can create an undeniable ripple effect in movement patterns.

Pilates :: Kinected
Instructor: Matt McCulloch
Leaders CEU's: 1.00
Continuing Education Credits:
Leaders in Fitness - 1.00 | Power Pilates - 0.50

Strategies for Teaching Semi Private Sessions

Develop a method to the madness! Teaching semi-privates sessions can be fun and profitable, but you just need a game plan. Take this workshop and help devise a strategy or strategies that will help you feel at ease, organized and in control when teaching a semi-private session, all the while offering each individual client a sufficient workout. All levels covered; Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced.

Pilates :: Power Pilates
Instructor: Stephanie West
Leaders CEU's: 1.75
Continuing Education Credits:
Leaders in Fitness - 1.75 | Power Pilates - 1.75

Reformer on the Tower

In this workshop you will learn the ways in which Intermediate Reformer exercises may provide a challenging workout when done on the Tower. From footwork to front splits, we will look closely at this order translates beautifully to the Tower, injecting a fresh feel to a familiar workout.

Pilates :: Power Pilates
Instructor: Stephanie West
Leaders CEU's: 1.50
Continuing Education Credits:
Leaders in Fitness - 1.50 | Power Pilates - 1.50

Teaching Tools for an Open Mat Class

In this workshop, will we review the teaching tools and teaching formulas needed when teaching an Open Level Mat Class. Learn how to simultaneously lay a strong foundation for your beginners in the class, while challenging your more advanced clientele. Be prepared to learn many helpful variations that can be used when faced with a multiple-level class.

Pilates :: Power Pilates
Instructor: Stephanie West
Leaders CEU's: 1.50
Continuing Education Credits:
Leaders in Fitness - 1.50 | Power Pilates - 1.50 | Vbarre - 0.75

The Seven Secrets of Success

Learn the seven proven secrets to success! Unlock your potential. Learn how to avoid all the pitfalls that stand between you and your dreams. Drop all the barriers that get in the way of you obtaining more money, happiness and opportunity. This lecture will give you the tools to enable you to grow and head toward the goals that drive your passion and make you happier and wealthier. What more can you ask?

Business :: ECA World Fitness
Instructor: Carol Scott
Leaders CEU's: 1.25
Continuing Education Credits:
Leaders in Fitness - 1.25 | Power Pilates - 0.50

Business: The Basics

This business lecture defines the concept of incorporation and demonstrates the tax advantages of it. Even if a talent is participating in fitness ventures simply as a hobby, one should still incorporate simply for the tax advantages alone. In addition to incorporation, the lecture further explores and reveals effective bookkeeping tools that allow for maximizing time on your business and not as much on tax burden.

Business :: FMI Guild
Instructor: Natalie Minh
Leaders CEU's: 1.00
Continuing Education Credits:
Leaders in Fitness - 1.00

Marketing & Sales Conversions

You have made the pitch and now it is time to see if your efforts have paid off. How does one take presentation, fans, likes, re-tweets, re-posts, etc and convert them into consumers. The focus of this presentation is the "Call to Action" or also known as closing the deal.

Business :: FMI Guild
Instructor: Natalie Minh
Leaders CEU's: 1.00
Continuing Education Credits:
Leaders in Fitness - 1.00

Twist Sport Performance Essentials - Level 1

(5-Video Bundle)
STOP training like a gym rat and START training like the athlete you want to be...ON the podium and off the bench! Access drills and workouts, including the complete A-Z of how to perform each exercise safely, effectively and efficiently with YOUR best results in mind. Each course gives you the precise drills and exercises you need to improve your fitness and athleticism that will immediately impact your performance. Don't waste any more time on workouts and programs designed with the body builder or general fitness participant in mind. Based on scientific research and tested by thousands of athletes and sport coaches, learn how to train and improve the fitness characteristics MOST influential to an athlete's peak performance.

Fitness :: Twist Sport Conditioning
Instructor: Peter Twist
5-Video Bundle
Leaders CEU's: 5.00
Continuing Education Credits:
Leaders in Fitness - 5.00

Speed, Agility, Quickness and Reaction Skills

Agility is being able to change one's body positions quickly and efficiently, in movements that require rapid changes in both direction & velocity. Follow the drills and techniques in this 45 minute DVD and learn the time honored, athlete proven methods of training agility effectively and efficiently for increased performance in your Sport and in Life. Coached by Peter Twist, you will learn the precise set up, execution and coaching cues for each agility exercises, guaranteed to make you and your athlete's and clients a master of quick direction changes and maker of game changing plays!

Fitness :: Twist Sport Conditioning
Instructor: Peter Twist
Leaders CEU's: 1.00
Continuing Education Credits:
American Council on Exercise - 0.40 | AFLCA - 3.00 | BCRPA - 6.00 | CanFitPro - 3.00 | Fitness Aus - 5.00 | Leaders in Fitness - 1.00 | National Strength and Conditioning Association - 0.30

Sport Strength: Legs & Shoulders

Learn how to improve an athlete's ability to transfer force from the legs through the core to the upperbody, enabling them to produce greater force through skilled movement and sequential firing of the kinetic chain. Utilizes an integrated approach, incorporating movement and balance to better allow the body to express force and better meet the demands of sport and daily life. Designed to drive up strength and skillfulness.

Fitness :: Twist Sport Conditioning
Instructor: Peter Twist
Leaders CEU's: 1.00
Continuing Education Credits:
American Council on Exercise - 0.40 | AFLCA - 3.00 | BCRPA - 6.00 | CanFitPro - 3.00 | Fitness Aus - 5.00 | Leaders in Fitness - 1.00 | National Strength and Conditioning Association - 0.30

Sport Strength: Chest & Back

Learn how to improve an athlete's ability to transfer force from the legs through the core to the upper body, enabling them to produce greater force through skilled movement and sequential firing of the kinetic chain. Utilizes an integrated approach, incorporating movement and balance to better allow the body to express force and better meet the demands of sport and daily life. Designed to drive up strength and skillfulness.

Fitness :: Twist Sport Conditioning
Instructor: Peter Twist
Leaders CEU's: 1.00
Continuing Education Credits:
American Council on Exercise - 0.40 | AFLCA - 3.00 | BCRPA - 6.00 | CanFitPro - 3.00 | Fitness Aus - 5.00 | Leaders in Fitness - 1.00 | National Strength and Conditioning Association - 0.30

Sport Core

Acting as a center for movement and force transfer,the core is best developed with a focus on whole body closed kinetic chain stability and rotary power. Using the BOSU® Balance Trainer, Medicine Balls,Smart Toner™ resistance tubing, free weights and Stability Balls, the Twist team will coach you through progressive drills applicable for young athletes, everyday clients and advanced athletes.

Fitness :: Twist Sport Conditioning
Instructor: Peter Twist
Leaders CEU's: 1.00
Continuing Education Credits:
American Council on Exercise - 0.40 | AFLCA - 3.00 | BCRPA - 6.00 | CanFitPro - 3.00 | Fitness Aus - 5.00 | Leaders in Fitness - 1.00 | National Strength and Conditioning Association - 0.30

Sport Balance

Techniques designed to improve proprioception, stability, and muscular coordination utilizing the BOSU® Balance Trainer, Smart Muscle®, Balance Board,Stability Balls, and drills using no equipment. Exercises are progressive, achievable, for the individual new to balance training with advanced challenges for the professional athlete.

Fitness :: Twist Sport Conditioning
Instructor: Peter Twist
Leaders CEU's: 1.00
Continuing Education Credits:
American Council on Exercise - 0.40 | AFLCA - 3.00 | BCRPA - 6.00 | CanFitPro - 3.00 | Fitness Aus - 5.00 | Leaders in Fitness - 1.00 | National Strength and Conditioning Association - 0.30

Art of Touch and Cue

In this workshop, you will explore cueing of the full Powerhouse through verbal and touch cues, as well as how to cue appropriate to the beginner, intermediate, and advanced level client. Touch is a gift from the teacher to the client; learn when and when not to give. The movement is just the beginning; the work happens when you go "vertical" with your teaching and deepen the clients' experience of correcting their movement through action.

Pilates :: Power Pilates
Instructor: Stephanie West
Leaders CEU's: 1.00
Continuing Education Credits:
Leaders in Fitness - 1.00 | Power Pilates - 1.00

Understanding How to Implement an Effective Core Stabilization Program Based Upon Functional Anatomy

Perhaps no region of the body has received more attention in the past decade then the core. However, despite this increased attention and focus on 'core stabilization' exercises, incidences of low back pain and chronic tightness of the low back, hips, and shoulders remain relatively unchanged.

Anatomy :: Fitness Education Seminars
Instructor: Evan Osar
Leaders CEU's: 1.00
Continuing Education Credits:
Leaders in Fitness - 1.00

How to Challenge an Advanced Client with Beginner System

Advanced clients don't always have to do the advanced reformer or mat work to be challenged at their level. This is a matter of vocabulary. This workshop will help you return to the Beginner system, to challenge a client with the clarity of anatomically stabilizing cues. We will revisit all of the bio-mechanical concepts and how to apply them to the basic workout!

Pilates :: Power Pilates
Instructor: Stephanie West
Leaders CEU's: 1.00
Continuing Education Credits:
Leaders in Fitness - 1.00 | Power Pilates - 1.00

PR 101: Tips & Advice You Need To Get The Word Out About Your Brand

Marni Salup, CEO and Founder, The Salup Group, brand communications and PR agency will talk to OBOW conference attendees about creating brand messages, organizing publicity tools, identifying key media, leveraging social channels, and spreading the word about your company.

Business :: ECA World Fitness
Instructor: Marni Salup
Leaders CEU's: 1.00
Continuing Education Credits:
Leaders in Fitness - 1.00 | Power Pilates - 0.50

Movement From The Ground Up

From heel strike to push-off, our foot dictates the way our body responds- and reacts- to every closed chain movement including walking, squatting and jumping. Join Podiatrist and Fitness Expert Dr. Emily as she explores the integrated function and co-activation patterns of the lower extremity - from the ground up. Learn exercises that can reinforce foot function, pelvic stability and hip strength which will translate to improved client results and decreased risk of injury.

Anatomy :: Evidence Based Fitness Academy
Instructor: Dr. Emily Splichal
Leaders CEU's: 1.00
Continuing Education Credits:
Leaders in Fitness - 1.00 | Power Pilates - 0.50

PLYOGA Fitness

This program, complete with modifications, enables you to go one step further than you thought possible! PLYOGA Fitness will begin your journey towards a more agile, flexible, stronger, and balanced athlete. Experience a fitness system of incredible energy, insane exercise, and an amazing feeling of accomplishment! Ladies and Gentlemen, "EXCUSES HAVE LEFT THE BUILDING!"

Fitness :: ECA World Fitness
Instructor: Stephanie Lauren
Leaders CEU's: 1.00
Continuing Education Credits:
Leaders in Fitness - 1.00

willPower & Grace

Barefoot Cardio is gaining traction because it's smart, safe and interesting! willPower & grace� is an easy-to-follow, high-energy cardiovascular workout that that stimulates your body (literally) from head to toe. This intense, sweaty workout builds body awareness and muscular endurance for an efficient calorie burn. This intense sequence builds body awareness and endurance for an efficient calorie burn. With its integration of sports psychology you'll leave feeling inspired and physically complete from the ground up! In this session, learn more about The willPower Method�, and gain some unique takeaways that you can start using in your class "on Monday"!

Fitness :: ECA World Fitness
Instructor: Stacey Lei Krauss
Leaders CEU's: 1.00
Continuing Education Credits:
Leaders in Fitness - 1.00

Classic Flow Pilates Matwork

As all elements of our lives continually change we should also change how we challenge what we do in our teaching. Come explore the possibilities with this workshop of taking the Pilates Principles and variations of the original moves to new choreographic variations. Reaching the ultimate goal of improving people's posture by challenging them off the mat in standing variations. The sequences together with motivational music to help with the flow makes this session creative and challenging.

Pilates :: ECA World Fitness
Instructor: Michael King
Leaders CEU's: 1.00
Continuing Education Credits:
Leaders in Fitness - 1.00 | Power Pilates - 0.50

How to Attract New Clients Without Selling

Is your club manager or owner asking you to walk the floor, talk with club members and sell them into the personal training program? What if you could attract more clients without having to sell? Dr. Perlus is here to share with you specific techniques that will make recruiting personal training clients simple. At the end of the presentation, you will know exactly what to do to fill up your training schedule and put more money in the bank.

Business :: ECA World Fitness
Instructor: Haley Perlus
Leaders CEU's: 1.00
Continuing Education Credits:
Leaders in Fitness - 1.00 | Power Pilates - 0.50

Advanced Tower System

Let's hang like a Monkey. Let's build Towers. Let's drive like mad truckers! Come checkout this workshop and devise a Tower class/session using Intermediate and Advanced material that is both traditional and fun! You will not only review/learn the exercises but also apply cues to deepen the movement, as well as learn/review the specific teaching format best suited for this class.

Pilates :: Power Pilates
Instructor: Lesly Levy
Leaders CEU's: 2.00
Continuing Education Credits:
Leaders in Fitness - 2.00 | Pilates Method Alliance - 3.00 | Power Pilates - 2.00

Intermediate Reformer Review

In this workshop we not only review the Intermediate Reformer exercises in details, we also go over how to deepen and challenge the work by adding great variations to all exercises as well as adding the Magic Circle in for a few. This workshops helps progress your intermediate clients to the advanced level, and it is also a perfect tool to challenge your advanced clients with the Intermediate Reformer.

Pilates :: Power Pilates
Instructor: Marcia Hagemann
Leaders CEU's: 1.50
Continuing Education Credits:
Leaders in Fitness - 1.50 | Power Pilates - 1.50

Movenze Visual Training Manual

This Visual Training Manual is a compliment to the Movenze Instructor Certification. Inspired by contemporary dance, Movenze is a total body transformation that explores different muscle actions, combinations, lines and dynamics - allowing the body to respond spontaneously and instinctively to stimulation. A fusion of techniques and master of movements, Movenze gets the results you are looking for while toning, lengthening and strengthening the entire body.

Dance :: Movenze Movement
Instructor: Ilaria Malvezzi
Leaders CEU's: 1.00
Continuing Education Credits:
Leaders in Fitness - 1.00 | Vbarre - 0.50

Staying Balanced and Avoiding Burnout

This course will teach instructors how to stay balanced and avoid burnout, so they may build a happy, healthy, long-term teaching career. It will cover the unique challenges of being a fitness instructor and the common consequences that can come along with it and cause instructor burnout. Instructors will learn exactly how to avoid or address these unique challenges. The course will take instructors through specific actions to take, plus provide some resources to download and use to stay organized.

Business :: Dana Auriemma
Instructor: Dana Auriemma
Leaders CEU's: 1.00
Continuing Education Credits:
Leaders in Fitness - 1.00 | Power Pilates - 0.50

The Diet Dilemma

The number one question fitness professionals get asked is "how can I lose weight?" With mystery and mythology surrounding the topic, this course reviews the evidenced-based fundamentals of healthful weight loss, and categorizes and deconstructs more than 30 of the most popular diets. The course will give you both insight and language to answer that common question with authority and confidence.

Food / Nutrition :: Adair Fitness and Nutrition
Instructor: Dominique Adair
Leaders CEU's: 1.50
Continuing Education Credits:
Leaders in Fitness - 1.50

How to C Effectively

Learn how to choose an effective "C" module to individualize and maximize your clients' sessions. We will explore ways to properly assess which apparatus and exercises will best accommodate a clients specific work on the four S's; strength, stretch, stamina and stability.

Pilates :: Power Pilates
Instructor: Lesly Levy
Leaders CEU's: 1.50
Continuing Education Credits:
Leaders in Fitness - 1.50 | Power Pilates - 1.50

Beginner Mat Review

This workshop is a strong review of the beginner teaching formula to brush up on the foundational mat exercises. We will work on drills and give you more tools to increase your expertise with the Beginner Mat and also how to begin to layer in a few of the Intermediate Mat exercises. This workshop will be helpful for those teaching mat as well as apparatus sessions.

Pilates :: Power Pilates
Instructor: Stephanie West
Leaders CEU's: 1.00
Continuing Education Credits:
Leaders in Fitness - 1.00 | Power Pilates - 1.00 | Vbarre - 0.50

Twist Foundations: Unified Balance & Linked Strength

The world around us requires a unified body communicating as one functional unit. We must be linked toe-to-finger, with every link in the chain functioning smoothly to keep us connected. This workshop focuses on teaching how to challenge and progress Unified Balance and Linked Strength safely so you can take back your life! Let world renowned strength and conditioning coach Peter Twist help you regain your function and expand your world so you can say "YES" to every opportunity that comes your way!

Fitness :: Twist Sport Conditioning
Instructor: Peter Twist
Leaders CEU's: 1.50
Continuing Education Credits:
Leaders in Fitness - 1.50

Twist Foundation: Stability, Mobility, & Fundamental Movement Skills

This workshop looks at the role stability and mobility play in fundamental movement skills, how they can be assessed, and how they can be improved to regain function. Let world renowned strength and conditioning coach Peter Twist help you regain you function and take back your life!

Fitness :: Twist Sport Conditioning
Instructor: Peter Twist
Leaders CEU's: 1.00
Continuing Education Credits:
Leaders in Fitness - 1.00

Building A Fitness Brand

"Brett Hoebel, celebrity trainer on NBC's The Biggest Loser season 11, creator of RevAbs® from Beachbody, and lead judge on Fit or Flop: America's Next Fitness Star, shares his tried and true secrets of building a successful fitness brand. Brett will cover topics including: brand core values, unique selling proposition, demographics, competition, star power, concept, marketing, user base, personality, technology, and social media. "Every great brand has a story behind...what is yours?" - See more at: http://www.ecaworldfitness.com/thrive/sessions/#sthash.X0CkRujz.dpuf

Fitness :: ECA World Fitness
Instructor: Brett Hoebel
Leaders CEU's: 1.00
Continuing Education Credits:
Leaders in Fitness - 1.00 | National Strength and Conditioning Association - 0.20 | Power Pilates - 0.50

Kata-bo-lic training Bootcamp

An explosion of martial arts katas are fused with intensive cardio and body weight exercises make this work out one you won't soon forget. Different styles of Martial arts will influence this workout and bring your from one place to another while challenging and channeling the inner ninja inside you.

Fitness :: ECA World Fitness
Instructor: Joëlle Menard
Leaders CEU's: 1.00
Continuing Education Credits:
Leaders in Fitness - 1.00

Kettlebell Basics

The Kettlebell Basics Course provides you with an overview of basic Kettlebell movements and their variations for a total of 31. Master RKC Phil Ross, also known as The Kettlebell King, takes you on a tutorial of the Basic Kettlebell Movements.

Fitness :: American Eagle MMA
Instructor: Phil Ross, Master RKC
Leaders CEU's: 1.75
Continuing Education Credits:
Leaders in Fitness - 1.75

Intro to Tower System

Learn how to introduce Tower and/or a Tower class to your clients. We will review both Beginner Mat and Wall Unit exercises appropriate for a Beginner level Tower class. You will learn how to organize a beginner level tower class as well as how to make it fun, challenging and safe for all participants.

Pilates :: Power Pilates
Instructor: Stephanie West
Leaders CEU's: 1.50
Continuing Education Credits:
Leaders in Fitness - 1.50 | Power Pilates - 1.50

Intermediate Mat Class Review

This workshop will focus in not only reviewing the Intermediate Mat exercises, but it will also provide you with effective and safe ways to progress your student from the beginner level to the intermediate one. This workshop will be helpful for those teaching mat as well as apparatus sessions.

Pilates :: Power Pilates
Instructor: Marcia Hagemann
Leaders CEU's: 1.50
Continuing Education Credits:
Leaders in Fitness - 1.50 | Pilates Method Alliance - 2.00 | Power Pilates - 1.50 | Vbarre - 0.75

PHI Pilates Movement with Meaning

In this workshop you will experience how practicing healthy movement through Pilate exercises can enhance the ability of your clients to do anything from household chores to sports.

Pilates :: ECA World Fitness
Instructor: Ariel Hernandez
Leaders CEU's: 1.00
Continuing Education Credits:
Leaders in Fitness - 1.00 | Power Pilates - 0.50

PHI Pilates For Men

In this workshop you will learn how to communicate the significant benefits of the Pilates method for men. After all, Pilates was created by a man for men! Leave with workout ideas to challenge the men in your classes and keep them coming back.

Pilates :: ECA World Fitness
Instructor: Ariel Hernandez
Leaders CEU's: 1.00
Continuing Education Credits:
Leaders in Fitness - 1.00 | Power Pilates - 0.50

Plyo Pilates

Plyo Pilates is a unique blend of exercises that fuses Pilates, yoga, martial arts, dance and athleticism into one powerful and inspiring mat class. Plyometrics are introduced within the workout to increase the intensity, calories burned, and to train the body to be explosive and powerful in its movements.

Pilates :: ECA World Fitness
Instructor: Maria Sollon Scally
Leaders CEU's: 1.00
Continuing Education Credits:
Leaders in Fitness - 1.00 | Power Pilates - 0.50 | Vbarre - 0.50

Paleo Diet: Yes, No, Maybe So

Paleo advocates support the notion that hunters and gathers did not suffer from chronic diseases, diabetes, arthritis, heart disease or cancer. Can this dietary philosophy avoid the pitfalls of auto immune diseases and disorders that are a direct result of foods that must be processed to be made edible? Currently, there are numerous options for tweaking your approach based individual differences and athletic goals, so let's dive in head first and figure out the pros, cons do's, don'ts trade-offs and compromises.

Food / Nutrition :: ECA World Fitness
Instructor: Scott Josephson
Leaders CEU's: 1.00
Continuing Education Credits:
Leaders in Fitness - 1.00 | National Strength and Conditioning Association - 0.20

Pure Foods for Optimal Living!

Sometimes the more you try to find the right foods, the more confused you get! Stop the mystery and get the facts! Learn how to increase energy, strength, endurance, emotional balance and mental clarity. It's time to eat right, as the power lies in the choices we make about what to put on our plates.

Food / Nutrition :: ECA World Fitness
Instructor: Scott Josephson
Leaders CEU's: 1.00
Continuing Education Credits:
Leaders in Fitness - 1.00 | National Strength and Conditioning Association - 0.20

Xen Strength Yoga with Weights

Learn the benefits of this revolutionary yoga method that combines all 5 elements of fitness that professionals recommend: flexibility, strength training, balance training, aerobic fitness, and core exercise.

Yoga :: ECA World Fitness
Instructor: Danielle Diamond
Leaders CEU's: 1.00
Continuing Education Credits:
Leaders in Fitness - 1.00

Street Kata (Martial Movement)

STREET Kata incorporates martial arts styles from around the globe. Come enjoy unique choreographed fight sequences (katas) that have no boundaries in their innovative progressions. Driven by a fierce musicality that is just as refreshing as the techniques intertwined, you'll be ready to move and groove like a warrior and take the heat to the streets.

Fitness :: ECA World Fitness
Instructor: Bishop Garland
Leaders CEU's: 1.00
Continuing Education Credits:
Leaders in Fitness - 1.00

Vbarre® Burn

This Vbarre� workout definitely amps up the cardio! By utilizing additional glide board exercises coupled with body chiseling choreography, Vbarre� Burn turns up the volume on your workout. Come sweat, sculpt, and feel the burn!

Barre :: ECA World Fitness
Instructor: Veronica Combs
Leaders CEU's: 1.00
Continuing Education Credits:
Leaders in Fitness - 1.00 | Power Pilates - 0.50

Power Pilates Spice Up Your Mat Class

Come add some "spice" to your mat workout! This class will follow and Intermediate/Advanced level adding in Magic Circle and Hand Weights. Add some resistance and challenge your Powerhouse to the "edge!"

Pilates :: ECA World Fitness
Instructor: Veronica Combs
Leaders CEU's: 1.00
Continuing Education Credits:
Leaders in Fitness - 1.00 | Power Pilates - 1.00 | Vbarre - 0.50

Bannister Method: Flexibility

Active Isolated Stretching (AIS) is one of the methods of stretching most used by today's athletes, massage therapists, personal/athletic trainers, and professionals. Active Isolated Stretching allows the body to repair itself and also to prepare for daily activity.

Anatomy :: ECA World Fitness
Instructor: Gail Bannister-Munn
Leaders CEU's: 1.00
Continuing Education Credits:
Leaders in Fitness - 1.00

Corrective Exercise Strategies for Common Shoulder Condition

Shoulder pain and tightness are common complaints with many of our clients, limiting both their ability to exercise and live the quality of life they desire. This session will describe common shoulder injuries including impingement syndromes, rotator cuff dysfunction, and scapular control issues that lead directly to many of our client's problems. While these problems seem varied in nature, they share one thing in common - poor scapular stability. During this video, the fitness professional will discover the primary cause of poor shoulder stability and the corrective strategies required to improve their client's scapular control. Additionally, the will discover how to teach proper shoulder exercises so that they can help their clients accomplish their health and fitness goals.

Anatomy :: ECA World Fitness
Instructor: Evan Osar
Leaders CEU's: 1.00
Continuing Education Credits:
Leaders in Fitness - 1.00 | National Strength and Conditioning Association - 0.20 | Power Pilates - 0.50

Best Corrective Exercise Strategies for Low Back Pain

During this video, the fitness professional will discover the the biggest myths surrounding low back pain and dysfunction and why this myth may be the exact reason their clients experience low back problems.

Anatomy :: ECA World Fitness
Instructor: Evan Osar
Leaders CEU's: 1.00
Continuing Education Credits:
Leaders in Fitness - 1.00 | Power Pilates - 0.50

Bombshell Back & Butt

With special focus on the abs, back and butt, this beyond-the-basics, small weight-less ball only training session will show how to teach to optimize strength and posture.

Fitness :: ECA World Fitness
Instructor: Abbie Appel
Leaders CEU's: 1.00
Continuing Education Credits:
Leaders in Fitness - 1.00

All Small Ball

Learn why you want to train the muscles of the back and butt together will balls and how to get them to function more effectively by stabilizing, producing more force and ultimately aesthetically looking better.

Fitness :: ECA World Fitness
Instructor: Abbie Appel
Leaders CEU's: 1.00
Continuing Education Credits:
Leaders in Fitness - 1.00 | Power Pilates - 0.50

Special Cases: Mat Class

Nobody's perfect, right? Right! This class will cover the beginner/intermediate mat exercises with safe and effective strategies and modifications for clients with special needs. We will review specific modifications for low back pain, knee injuries, shoulder pain, neck issues, osteoporosis and pregnancy. Be ready to learn and have some new tools for your Power Pilates toolkit!

Pilates :: Power Pilates
Instructor: Stephanie West
Leaders CEU's: 3.00
Continuing Education Credits:
Leaders in Fitness - 3.00 | Power Pilates - 3.00 | Vbarre - 1.50

Powerhouse Actions on the Wunda Chair

We will review what the Powerhouse is really all about. It's different actions in their logical progressions. This workshop, instead of concentrating on the work on the Reformer or Mat, will explore how the same Powerhouse actions apply equally to the vocabulary of the Wunda Chair.

Pilates :: Power Pilates
Instructor: Lesly Levy
Leaders CEU's: 1.50
Continuing Education Credits:
Leaders in Fitness - 1.50 | Power Pilates - 1.50

Real Men Do Pilates

This workshop will help instructors work more effectively with a growing client base, male clients. Common patterns of muscular imbalance and weakness among men will be addressed, as well as specific ways to improve them. You will also learn techniques that will assist men in integrating key concepts of strength, stability, stretch and stamina into a well-balanced and challenging workout.

Pilates :: Power Pilates
Instructor: Juan Estrada
Leaders CEU's: 0.75
Continuing Education Credits:
Leaders in Fitness - 0.75 | Power Pilates - 0.75

Matte Mit Magic Circle (German Version)

This workshop will focus on Joseph Pilates� Magic Circle and how to incorporate it into his traditional Mat workouts at every level. There will be a review of technique and teaching formulas that will provide an excellent workout. Learn new ways of utilizing the Magic Circle while increasing efficient flowing movement. You will have fun and get a good workout!

Pilates :: Power Pilates
Instructor: Ilka Recker
Leaders CEU's: 0.75
Continuing Education Credits:
Leaders in Fitness - 0.75 | Power Pilates - 0.75

Beginner Mat Review/Core Mat I (German version)

This workshop will focus on reviewing the Beginner Mat exercises and variations. We will work on drills and give you more tools to increase your expertise with the Beginner Mat. Additional tips for teachers covering the apparatus used, the Teaching Formula for Beginner clients, and the teaching component "Touch". This workshop is helpful for those teaching mat classes already.

Pilates :: Power Pilates
Instructor: Ilka Recker
Leaders CEU's: 1.00
Continuing Education Credits:
Leaders in Fitness - 1.00 | Power Pilates - 1.00 | Vbarre - 0.50

KBC - Corrective Strategies & Techniques , The Shoulder

Functional anatomy will serve as the basis for understanding the pathogenesis and predisposing anatomical and postural factors leading to injuries of the shoulder joint complex.

Anatomy :: KettleBell Concepts
Instructor: Vincent Metzo
Leaders CEU's: 1.00
Continuing Education Credits:
Leaders in Fitness - 1.00

Creative Choreography - Interval Training

Learn how to infuse intervals into your Vbarre® format to amp up the calorie burn. This workshop will take you through the Vbarre® class format and show you where to add intervals effectively to keep your class exciting!

Barre :: Vbarre®
Instructor: Veronica Combs
Leaders CEU's: 0.50
Continuing Education Credits:
Leaders in Fitness - 0.50 | Power Pilates - 0.50 | Vbarre - 0.50

How to Format an 6-Week Vbarre® Workout Progression

This workshop outlines a progression of the Vbarre® workout with the original choreography in an 6-week session. We will take a look at progressing the exercises from week to week as well as focusing on a particular theme for each class that will add variety and build upon a foundation.

Barre :: Vbarre®
Instructor: Veronica Combs
Leaders CEU's: 0.25
Continuing Education Credits:
Leaders in Fitness - 0.25 | Power Pilates - 0.25 | Vbarre - 0.25

Sharpen Your Teaching Toolkit - Rhythm and Variations

One simple way to make your class different is to change the rhythm and tempos of the exercises. This workshop will show how to use these excellent tools without needing to add or change choreography.

Barre :: Vbarre®
Instructor: Veronica Combs
Leaders CEU's: 0.50
Continuing Education Credits:
Leaders in Fitness - 0.50 | Power Pilates - 0.50 | Vbarre - 0.50

Sharpen Your Teaching Toolkit - Cueing

This workshop focuses on the Art of Teaching with an in depth look at how to effectively cue, spot and correct your Vbarre® clients. Learn strategies to take you from a good teacher to a great instructor!

Barre :: Vbarre®
Instructor: Veronica Combs
Leaders CEU's: 0.50
Continuing Education Credits:
Leaders in Fitness - 0.50 | Power Pilates - 0.50 | Vbarre - 0.50

Special Case Strategies - Knee Issues

Plies, lunges, squats, and gliding motions are all major movements in Vbarre. This workshop will outline some general guidelines and provide helpful modifications to follow that will allow clients with knee issues to participate safely in your class.

Barre :: Vbarre®
Instructor: Veronica Combs
Leaders CEU's: 0.75
Continuing Education Credits:
Leaders in Fitness - 0.75 | Power Pilates - 0.75 | Vbarre - 0.75

How to Create a Vbarre® Basics Class

Learn how to safely introduce the Vbarre� workout to the novice student. Using a barre, band, ball, weights, glide board and mat make Vbarre� unique and fun, but these tools can also make it tricky for the new client. Keep the integrity of Vbarre��s signature principles of dynamic movement in a flowing format, with a Basics Class to keep the workout safe and effective for the beginner.

Barre :: Vbarre®
Instructor: Veronica Combs
Leaders CEU's: 1.00
Continuing Education Credits:
Leaders in Fitness - 1.00 | Power Pilates - 1.00 | Vbarre - 1.00

Creative Pilates Choreography

This workshop is a Power Pilates Continuing Education course that will incorporate classical Pilates exercises from three pieces of apparatus (Chair, Mat & Barrels) in a fun and creative way. This course will help create a challenging session for your Intermediate to Advanced clients.

Pilates :: Power Pilates
Instructor: Susan Moran
Leaders CEU's: 2.00
Continuing Education Credits:
Leaders in Fitness - 2.00 | Power Pilates - 2.00

Barefoot Training for Power & Agility

From heel strike to push-off, our foot dictates the way our body responds and reacts to human movement and athletic performance. The coordinated eccentric and concentric contractions of the foot musculature often dictates the speed, strength and power of an athlete. Learn how to apply barefoot training principles to optimize foot function in the client or athlete that is looking for an advantage. Get ready to take the concept of barefoot training to a whole new level!

Anatomy :: Evidence Based Fitness Academy
Instructor: Dr. Emily Splichal
Leaders CEU's: 0.75
Continuing Education Credits:
Leaders in Fitness - 0.75 | Power Pilates - 0.50

Rethinking Proprioception Training

Coordinated, precise and fast movements require sensory input to the nervous system. Learn how to train your clients by integrating their sixth sense - or proprioceptive system - and take your understanding of barefoot training, vibration training and even fascia to a whole new level. Learn the why behind many of your favorite training modalities!

Anatomy :: Evidence Based Fitness Academy
Instructor: Dr. Emily Splichal
Leaders CEU's: 1.00
Continuing Education Credits:
Leaders in Fitness - 1.00 | Power Pilates - 0.50

bodyARTâ„¢ Beginner Workshop

The bodyART� Beginner Workshop will give you a solid foundation and the energetic understanding of the exercises that will help enable you to construct and teach an ambitious and harmonious bodyART� session.

Yoga :: BodyArt
Instructor: Julia Przybilka
Leaders CEU's: 1.00
Continuing Education Credits:
Leaders in Fitness - 1.00

Advanced Apparatus Visual Training

The Advanced Visual Training is the perfect complement to our written manuals and apparatus training program.

Pilates :: Power Pilates
Instructor: Bob Liekens
Leaders CEU's: 1.50
Continuing Education Credits:
Leaders in Fitness - 1.50 | Power Pilates - 1.50

Intermediate Apparatus Visual Training

The Intermediate Visual Training is the perfect complement to our written manuals and apparatus training program.

Pilates :: Power Pilates
Instructor: Susan Moran
Leaders CEU's: 1.50
Continuing Education Credits:
Leaders in Fitness - 1.50 | Power Pilates - 1.50

Beginner/Intermediate Apparatus Visual Training

This Beginner/Intermediate Visual Training is the perfect complement to our written manuals and apparatus training programs.

Pilates :: Power Pilates
Instructor: Susan Moran
Leaders CEU's: 1.50
Continuing Education Credits:
Leaders in Fitness - 1.50 | Power Pilates - 1.50

Power Pilates presents Archival Footage of Joseph Pilates

Experience the beauty of classical Pilates from the original source. Our exclusive Joseph Pilates footage shows the vigor and flow of his method. A must for every Pilates instructor! NOTE: This is a silent video.

Pilates :: Power Pilates
Instructor: Joseph Pilates
Leaders CEU's: 1.00
Continuing Education Credits:
Leaders in Fitness - 1.00 | Power Pilates - 1.00

Enhance Your Mat

Enhance your Mat class by incorporating the Physio-Ball and Magic Circle elements. Learn how to adapt the Mat and Reformer exercises for your beginner level student through your advanced. Get your students ready to move and energized with some fun alternatives.

Pilates :: Contemporary Pilates Series
Instructor: Erin King
Leaders CEU's: 2.00
Continuing Education Credits:
Leaders in Fitness - 2.00 | Power Pilates - 2.00 | Vbarre - 1.00

Stretch It

This course is designed to demonstrate the correct way to facilitate Dynamic, Static, Proprio Neural Facilitation (PNF) stretching techniques with proper body alignment. You will learn anatomical terms and expand typical stretches using different planes and angles as well as be able to progress or regress any exercise.

Anatomy :: Link! the Movement
Instructor: Ginger Cox
Leaders CEU's: 1.25
Continuing Education Credits:
Leaders in Fitness - 1.25 | National Strength and Conditioning Association - 0.20

Advanced Reformer Workshop w/ Bob Liekens

EXCLUSIVE FOOTAGE OF BOB LIEKENS! Come join Bob as he reviews the advanced system on the Reformer and unlocks those many variations of the traditional exercises that are often "left in the closet."

Pilates :: Power Pilates
Instructor: Bob Liekens
Leaders CEU's: 1.75
Continuing Education Credits:
Leaders in Fitness - 1.75 | Power Pilates - 1.75

Reformer Compilation Workout w/ Bob Liekens

EXCLUSIVE FOOTAGE OF BOB LIEKENS! Come prepared to move and experience the teachings of Bob Liekens with Advanced Reformer and Advanced Reformer On The Mat.

Pilates :: Power Pilates
Instructor: Bob Liekens
Leaders CEU's: 1.00
Continuing Education Credits:
Leaders in Fitness - 1.00 | Power Pilates - 1.00

Ultimate Mat Workouts w/ Bob Liekens

EXCLUSIVE FOOTAGE OF BOB LIEKENS! Come prepared to move and experience the teachings of Bob Liekens with Advanced Mat, Open Mat and Advanced Mat with Magic Circle.

Pilates :: Power Pilates
Instructor: Bob Liekens
Leaders CEU's: 1.25
Continuing Education Credits:
Leaders in Fitness - 1.25 | Power Pilates - 1.25 | Vbarre - 0.60

Barrel Progressions w/ Bob Liekens

EXCLUSIVE FOOTAGE OF BOB LIEKENS! Join Bob as he takes you through the progressions from the small Barrel up to the Ladder Barrel.

Pilates :: Power Pilates
Instructor: Bob Liekens
Leaders CEU's: 1.50
Continuing Education Credits:
Leaders in Fitness - 1.50 | Power Pilates - 1.50

Double Diamond

(2-Video Bundle)
This bundle includes Jumpboard and Super Advanced Reformer videos.

Pilates :: Power Pilates
Instructor: Juan Estrada, Lesly Levy
2-Video Bundle
Leaders CEU's: 1.50
Continuing Education Credits:
Leaders in Fitness - 1.50 | Power Pilates - 1.50

Vbarre® BOOTCAMP Visual Training

Vbarre® BOOTCAMP is a dance inspired workout that fuses ballet, Pilates, and resistance training.

Barre :: Vbarre®
Instructor: Veronica Combs
Leaders CEU's: 0.50
Continuing Education Credits:
Leaders in Fitness - 0.50 | Power Pilates - 0.50 | Vbarre - 0.50

Empowering Your Pregnancy

This workshop addresses the anatomical changes that occur during pregnancy. Such changes necessitate a restructuring to both Pilates mat and apparatus work.

Pilates :: Power Pilates
Instructor: Lesly Levy
Leaders CEU's: 1.50
Continuing Education Credits:
Leaders in Fitness - 1.50 | Power Pilates - 1.50

Vbarre® BLEND Visual Training

Vbarre® BLEND is based on fluid shifts between Vbarre® and Pilates mat exercises, resulting in a balanced workout.

Barre :: Vbarre®
Instructor: Veronica Combs
Leaders CEU's: 0.50
Continuing Education Credits:
Leaders in Fitness - 0.50 | Power Pilates - 0.50 | Vbarre - 0.50

Pilates For Seniors

You are only as old as your spine is flexible. We will discuss some common injuries, weaknesses, and limitations of our older clientele as well as learn how to challenge and progress them while playing it safe and still having fun.

Pilates :: Power Pilates
Instructor: Carrie Campbell
Leaders CEU's: 2.50
Continuing Education Credits:
Leaders in Fitness - 2.50 | Power Pilates - 2.50

Vbarre® BURN Visual Training

Vbarre® BURN is a dance inspired workout that amps up the cardio by utilizing the glide board.

Barre :: Vbarre®
Instructor: Veronica Combs
Leaders CEU's: 0.50
Continuing Education Credits:
Leaders in Fitness - 0.50 | Power Pilates - 0.50 | Vbarre - 0.50

Basics of Anatomy

Basics of Anatomy is a study of basic anatomical language, including an introduction to planes of movement and major concepts of the skeletal and muscular systems.

Anatomy :: Power Pilates
Instructor: Juliet Harvey
Leaders CEU's: 3.00
Continuing Education Credits:
Leaders in Fitness - 3.00 | Power Pilates - 3.00 | Vbarre - 1.50

Vbarre® Visual Training

The Vbarre® method believes a creative, integrated approach to fitness will deliver unparalleled results for the participant. Vbarre® is a dance inspired modality that fuses dynamic movements with motivating music.

Barre :: Vbarre®
Instructor: Veronica Combs
Leaders CEU's: 0.50
Continuing Education Credits:
Leaders in Fitness - 0.50 | Power Pilates - 0.50 | Vbarre - 0.50

Contemporary Jazz Jumps and Leaps

This video features progressions and exercises to build strength and technique for contemporary jazz and leaps. Each series of movement shows a gradual advancement for dancers of all levels.

Dance :: Tracie Stanfield
Instructor: Tracie Stanfield
Leaders CEU's: 1.00
Continuing Education Credits:
Leaders in Fitness - 1.00 | Vbarre - 0.50

Functional Foot & Ankle

Stay current and achieve great results with your clients by gaining an understanding of the role the foot and ankle play in creating and modifying fitness programs.

Anatomy :: Evidence Based Fitness Academy
Instructor: Dr. Emily Splichal
Leaders CEU's: 1.00
Continuing Education Credits:
Leaders in Fitness - 1.00 | Power Pilates - 0.50

Barefoot Balance Training

Learn one of the most effective techniques for improving foot posture, controlling knee pain and strengthening the hip. After this workshop you will see how barefoot balance training improves posture and builds strength.

Anatomy :: Evidence Based Fitness Academy
Instructor: Dr. Emily Splichal
Leaders CEU's: 1.00
Continuing Education Credits:
Leaders in Fitness - 1.00 | Power Pilates - 0.50

VCore Workout Instructor Training

VCore Workout is the only barefoot balance training workout that is uniquely designed to improve balance, posture and strength.

Fitness :: Vcore
Instructor: Dr. Emily Splichal
Leaders CEU's: 2.00
Continuing Education Credits:
Leaders in Fitness - 2.00 | Power Pilates - 1.00

Power Programming Method

This is food and nutrition based course designed to teach about current eating habits and how they relate to the obesity epidemic.

Food / Nutrition :: Tom Kersting
Instructor: Tom Kersting
Leaders CEU's: 1.00
Continuing Education Credits:
Leaders in Fitness - 1.00 | Power Pilates - 0.50

Super Advanced Reformer - Technique

We all know that there are more than the advanced level exercises that we practice and teach. This course will be looking at the next steps for many reformer exercises and advanced variations.

Pilates :: Power Pilates
Instructor: Lesly Levy
Leaders CEU's: 1.25
Continuing Education Credits:
American Fitness Professionals and Associates - 5.00 | Leaders in Fitness - 1.25 | National Exercise & Sports Trainers Association - 0.20 | National Federation of Personal Trainers - 0.25 | Pilates Method Alliance - 2.00 | Power Pilates - 1.25

Super Advanced Cadillac - Technique

In this workshop you will learn the exercises you rarely see or get to teach. Be prepared for some fun and dynamic material to come your way!

Pilates :: Power Pilates
Instructor: Lesly Levy
Leaders CEU's: 2.00
Continuing Education Credits:
Leaders in Fitness - 2.00 | Pilates Method Alliance - 2.00 | Power Pilates - 2.00

Mat Workout with Wunda Chair - Technique & Workout

This workshop covers the mat order utilizing the Wunda Chair focusing on taking it a step further whether on the apparatus or mat creating even more of a challenge!

Pilates :: Power Pilates
Instructor: Juan Estrada
Leaders CEU's: 0.75
Continuing Education Credits:
Leaders in Fitness - 0.75 | Power Pilates - 0.75

Ladder Barrel - Technique

In this workshop, you will learn and review the Ladder Barrel exercises to help deepen the workout experience for your clients.

Pilates :: Power Pilates
Instructor: Juan Estrada
Leaders CEU's: 0.50
Continuing Education Credits:
Leaders in Fitness - 0.50 | Power Pilates - 0.50

Mat with Weights - Technique

Add variety to your Mat class by utilizing weights to assist, enhance and challenge movement within each Mat exercise.

Pilates :: Power Pilates
Instructor: Alison Laundrie
Leaders CEU's: 0.25
Continuing Education Credits:
Leaders in Fitness - 0.25 | Power Pilates - 0.25 | Vbarre - 0.10