Instructor: Dr. Emily Splichal
Barefoot Balance Training
Learn one of the most effective techniques for improving foot posture, controlling knee pain and strengthening the hip. After this workshop you will see how barefoot balance training improves posture and builds strength.
Anatomy :: Evidence Based Fitness Academy
Instructor: Dr. Emily Splichal
Leaders CEU's: 1.00
Continuing Education Credits:
Leaders in Fitness - 1.00 | Power Pilates - 0.50
Barefoot Training for Power & Agility
From heel strike to push-off, our foot dictates the way our body responds and reacts to human movement and athletic performance. The coordinated eccentric and concentric contractions of the foot musculature often dictates the speed, strength and power of an athlete. Learn how to apply barefoot training principles to optimize foot function in the client or athlete that is looking for an advantage. Get ready to take the concept of barefoot training to a whole new level!
Anatomy :: Evidence Based Fitness Academy
Instructor: Dr. Emily Splichal
Leaders CEU's: 0.75
Continuing Education Credits:
Leaders in Fitness - 0.75 | Power Pilates - 0.50
Functional Foot & Ankle
Stay current and achieve great results with your clients by gaining an understanding of the role the foot and ankle play in creating and modifying fitness programs.
Anatomy :: Evidence Based Fitness Academy
Instructor: Dr. Emily Splichal
Leaders CEU's: 1.00
Continuing Education Credits:
Leaders in Fitness - 1.00 | Power Pilates - 0.50
Movement From The Ground Up
From heel strike to push-off, our foot dictates the way our body responds- and reacts- to every closed chain movement including walking, squatting and jumping. Join Podiatrist and Fitness Expert Dr. Emily as she explores the integrated function and co-activation patterns of the lower extremity - from the ground up. Learn exercises that can reinforce foot function, pelvic stability and hip strength which will translate to improved client results and decreased risk of injury.
Anatomy :: Evidence Based Fitness Academy
Instructor: Dr. Emily Splichal
Leaders CEU's: 1.00
Continuing Education Credits:
Leaders in Fitness - 1.00 | Power Pilates - 0.50
Rethinking Proprioception Training
Coordinated, precise and fast movements require sensory input to the nervous system. Learn how to train your clients by integrating their sixth sense - or proprioceptive system - and take your understanding of barefoot training, vibration training and even fascia to a whole new level. Learn the why behind many of your favorite training modalities!
Anatomy :: Evidence Based Fitness Academy
Instructor: Dr. Emily Splichal
Leaders CEU's: 1.00
Continuing Education Credits:
Leaders in Fitness - 1.00 | Power Pilates - 0.50
VCore Workout Instructor Training
VCore Workout is the only barefoot balance training workout that is uniquely designed to improve balance, posture and strength.
Fitness :: Vcore
Instructor: Dr. Emily Splichal
Leaders CEU's: 2.00
Continuing Education Credits:
Leaders in Fitness - 2.00 | Power Pilates - 1.00