Category: Fitness

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All Small Ball

Learn why you want to train the muscles of the back and butt together will balls and how to get them to function more effectively by stabilizing, producing more force and ultimately aesthetically looking better.

Fitness :: ECA World Fitness
Instructor: Abbie Appel
Leaders CEU's: 1.00
Continuing Education Credits:
Leaders in Fitness - 1.00 | Power Pilates - 0.50

Behavior Coaching for Fitness Professionals

How to help your clients achieve their fitness goals through psychology and behavior coaching. In this workshop, learn the principles of how to go above and beyond exercises and nutrition tips to help clients reach their personal wellness goals. Retain more clients and increase your revenue by adding behavior coaching to your menu of services.

Fitness :: Healthy Behavior Institute
Instructor: Dr. Janine Stichter, Ph. D. and Scott Schutte
Leaders CEU's: 2.00
Continuing Education Credits:
Leaders in Fitness - 2.00 | Power Pilates - 1.00

Bombshell Back & Butt

With special focus on the abs, back and butt, this beyond-the-basics, small weight-less ball only training session will show how to teach to optimize strength and posture.

Fitness :: ECA World Fitness
Instructor: Abbie Appel
Leaders CEU's: 1.00
Continuing Education Credits:
Leaders in Fitness - 1.00

Building A Fitness Brand

"Brett Hoebel, celebrity trainer on NBC's The Biggest Loser season 11, creator of RevAbs® from Beachbody, and lead judge on Fit or Flop: America's Next Fitness Star, shares his tried and true secrets of building a successful fitness brand. Brett will cover topics including: brand core values, unique selling proposition, demographics, competition, star power, concept, marketing, user base, personality, technology, and social media. "Every great brand has a story behind...what is yours?" - See more at:

Fitness :: ECA World Fitness
Instructor: Brett Hoebel
Leaders CEU's: 1.00
Continuing Education Credits:
Leaders in Fitness - 1.00 | National Strength and Conditioning Association - 0.20 | Power Pilates - 0.50

Core Training for Women

A comprehensive review of the deep inner unit and superficial core provide background for the female core. Through hands-on practical application, trainers will learn a series of specific techniques to strengthen the female core, and lengthen key areas of the body that disrupt the stability/mobility relationships for the body. Utilizing Gliding Discs and the Bender Ball.

Fitness :: Keli Roberts Fitness
Instructor: Keli Roberts
Leaders CEU's: 1.00
Continuing Education Credits:
Leaders in Fitness - 1.00 | Power Pilates - 0.50

Corrective Exercise Strategies for Improving Thoracic Rotation

If you want to help your client improve their golf or tennis game you must improve their thoracic rotation. If you want to improve your athlete's performance whether they play baseball, lacrosse, or soccer, you must improve their ability to rotate their thorax. If you want to help clients walk, move, and live life with greater ease and less discomfort, you must improve their thoracic rotation. In this interactive session, you will discover the reason why so many individuals lose rotation and how by understanding and applying the principles of the Integrative Movement System� you can improve your client's thoracic rotation. You won't think the same about thoracic rotation after this session.

Fitness :: ECA World Fitness
Instructor: Evan Osar
Leaders CEU's: 1.00
Continuing Education Credits:
Leaders in Fitness - 1.00 | Power Pilates - 0.50

Corrective Exercises to Save Your Clients Knees

If you work with the baby boomer and senior populations you understand that knee pain is one of the most common orthopedic issues keeping individuals from walking, biking, and/or performing daily activities. The fitness professional can be instrumental in helping these individuals to discover solutions to improving their knee function while helping them progress towards achieving their goals. During this session, you will learn why your clients develop knee issues and discover a corrective exercise strategy to improve your client's stabilization and movement patterns.

Fitness :: ECA World Fitness
Instructor: Evan Osar
Leaders CEU's: 1.00
Continuing Education Credits:
Leaders in Fitness - 1.00 | Power Pilates - 0.50

Kata-bo-lic training Bootcamp

An explosion of martial arts katas are fused with intensive cardio and body weight exercises make this work out one you won't soon forget. Different styles of Martial arts will influence this workout and bring your from one place to another while challenging and channeling the inner ninja inside you.

Fitness :: ECA World Fitness
Instructor: Joëlle Menard
Leaders CEU's: 1.00
Continuing Education Credits:
Leaders in Fitness - 1.00

Kettlebell Basics

The Kettlebell Basics Course provides you with an overview of basic Kettlebell movements and their variations for a total of 31. Master RKC Phil Ross, also known as The Kettlebell King, takes you on a tutorial of the Basic Kettlebell Movements.

Fitness :: American Eagle MMA
Instructor: Phil Ross, Master RKC
Leaders CEU's: 1.75
Continuing Education Credits:
Leaders in Fitness - 1.75

PLYOGA Fitness

This program, complete with modifications, enables you to go one step further than you thought possible! PLYOGA Fitness will begin your journey towards a more agile, flexible, stronger, and balanced athlete. Experience a fitness system of incredible energy, insane exercise, and an amazing feeling of accomplishment! Ladies and Gentlemen, "EXCUSES HAVE LEFT THE BUILDING!"

Fitness :: ECA World Fitness
Instructor: Stephanie Lauren
Leaders CEU's: 1.00
Continuing Education Credits:
Leaders in Fitness - 1.00

Speed, Agility, Quickness and Reaction Skills

Agility is being able to change one's body positions quickly and efficiently, in movements that require rapid changes in both direction & velocity. Follow the drills and techniques in this 45 minute DVD and learn the time honored, athlete proven methods of training agility effectively and efficiently for increased performance in your Sport and in Life. Coached by Peter Twist, you will learn the precise set up, execution and coaching cues for each agility exercises, guaranteed to make you and your athlete's and clients a master of quick direction changes and maker of game changing plays!

Fitness :: Twist Sport Conditioning
Instructor: Peter Twist
Leaders CEU's: 1.00
Continuing Education Credits:
American Council on Exercise - 0.40 | AFLCA - 3.00 | BCRPA - 6.00 | CanFitPro - 3.00 | Fitness Aus - 5.00 | Leaders in Fitness - 1.00 | National Strength and Conditioning Association - 0.30

Sport Balance

Techniques designed to improve proprioception, stability, and muscular coordination utilizing the BOSU® Balance Trainer, Smart Muscle®, Balance Board,Stability Balls, and drills using no equipment. Exercises are progressive, achievable, for the individual new to balance training with advanced challenges for the professional athlete.

Fitness :: Twist Sport Conditioning
Instructor: Peter Twist
Leaders CEU's: 1.00
Continuing Education Credits:
American Council on Exercise - 0.40 | AFLCA - 3.00 | BCRPA - 6.00 | CanFitPro - 3.00 | Fitness Aus - 5.00 | Leaders in Fitness - 1.00 | National Strength and Conditioning Association - 0.30

Sport Core

Acting as a center for movement and force transfer,the core is best developed with a focus on whole body closed kinetic chain stability and rotary power. Using the BOSU® Balance Trainer, Medicine Balls,Smart Toner™ resistance tubing, free weights and Stability Balls, the Twist team will coach you through progressive drills applicable for young athletes, everyday clients and advanced athletes.

Fitness :: Twist Sport Conditioning
Instructor: Peter Twist
Leaders CEU's: 1.00
Continuing Education Credits:
American Council on Exercise - 0.40 | AFLCA - 3.00 | BCRPA - 6.00 | CanFitPro - 3.00 | Fitness Aus - 5.00 | Leaders in Fitness - 1.00 | National Strength and Conditioning Association - 0.30

Sport Strength: Chest & Back

Learn how to improve an athlete's ability to transfer force from the legs through the core to the upper body, enabling them to produce greater force through skilled movement and sequential firing of the kinetic chain. Utilizes an integrated approach, incorporating movement and balance to better allow the body to express force and better meet the demands of sport and daily life. Designed to drive up strength and skillfulness.

Fitness :: Twist Sport Conditioning
Instructor: Peter Twist
Leaders CEU's: 1.00
Continuing Education Credits:
American Council on Exercise - 0.40 | AFLCA - 3.00 | BCRPA - 6.00 | CanFitPro - 3.00 | Fitness Aus - 5.00 | Leaders in Fitness - 1.00 | National Strength and Conditioning Association - 0.30

Sport Strength: Legs & Shoulders

Learn how to improve an athlete's ability to transfer force from the legs through the core to the upperbody, enabling them to produce greater force through skilled movement and sequential firing of the kinetic chain. Utilizes an integrated approach, incorporating movement and balance to better allow the body to express force and better meet the demands of sport and daily life. Designed to drive up strength and skillfulness.

Fitness :: Twist Sport Conditioning
Instructor: Peter Twist
Leaders CEU's: 1.00
Continuing Education Credits:
American Council on Exercise - 0.40 | AFLCA - 3.00 | BCRPA - 6.00 | CanFitPro - 3.00 | Fitness Aus - 5.00 | Leaders in Fitness - 1.00 | National Strength and Conditioning Association - 0.30

Street Kata (Martial Movement)

STREET Kata incorporates martial arts styles from around the globe. Come enjoy unique choreographed fight sequences (katas) that have no boundaries in their innovative progressions. Driven by a fierce musicality that is just as refreshing as the techniques intertwined, you'll be ready to move and groove like a warrior and take the heat to the streets.

Fitness :: ECA World Fitness
Instructor: Bishop Garland
Leaders CEU's: 1.00
Continuing Education Credits:
Leaders in Fitness - 1.00

Twist Foundation: Stability, Mobility, & Fundamental Movement Skills

This workshop looks at the role stability and mobility play in fundamental movement skills, how they can be assessed, and how they can be improved to regain function. Let world renowned strength and conditioning coach Peter Twist help you regain you function and take back your life!

Fitness :: Twist Sport Conditioning
Instructor: Peter Twist
Leaders CEU's: 1.00
Continuing Education Credits:
Leaders in Fitness - 1.00

Twist Foundations: Unified Balance & Linked Strength

The world around us requires a unified body communicating as one functional unit. We must be linked toe-to-finger, with every link in the chain functioning smoothly to keep us connected. This workshop focuses on teaching how to challenge and progress Unified Balance and Linked Strength safely so you can take back your life! Let world renowned strength and conditioning coach Peter Twist help you regain your function and expand your world so you can say "YES" to every opportunity that comes your way!

Fitness :: Twist Sport Conditioning
Instructor: Peter Twist
Leaders CEU's: 1.50
Continuing Education Credits:
Leaders in Fitness - 1.50

Twist Sport Performance Essentials - Level 1

(5-Video Bundle)
STOP training like a gym rat and START training like the athlete you want to be...ON the podium and off the bench! Access drills and workouts, including the complete A-Z of how to perform each exercise safely, effectively and efficiently with YOUR best results in mind. Each course gives you the precise drills and exercises you need to improve your fitness and athleticism that will immediately impact your performance. Don't waste any more time on workouts and programs designed with the body builder or general fitness participant in mind. Based on scientific research and tested by thousands of athletes and sport coaches, learn how to train and improve the fitness characteristics MOST influential to an athlete's peak performance.

Fitness :: Twist Sport Conditioning
Instructor: Peter Twist
5-Video Bundle
Leaders CEU's: 5.00
Continuing Education Credits:
Leaders in Fitness - 5.00

VCore Workout Instructor Training

VCore Workout is the only barefoot balance training workout that is uniquely designed to improve balance, posture and strength.

Fitness :: Vcore
Instructor: Dr. Emily Splichal
Leaders CEU's: 2.00
Continuing Education Credits:
Leaders in Fitness - 2.00 | Power Pilates - 1.00

willPower & Grace

Barefoot Cardio is gaining traction because it's smart, safe and interesting! willPower & grace� is an easy-to-follow, high-energy cardiovascular workout that that stimulates your body (literally) from head to toe. This intense, sweaty workout builds body awareness and muscular endurance for an efficient calorie burn. This intense sequence builds body awareness and endurance for an efficient calorie burn. With its integration of sports psychology you'll leave feeling inspired and physically complete from the ground up! In this session, learn more about The willPower Method�, and gain some unique takeaways that you can start using in your class "on Monday"!

Fitness :: ECA World Fitness
Instructor: Stacey Lei Krauss
Leaders CEU's: 1.00
Continuing Education Credits:
Leaders in Fitness - 1.00